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Knowledge and action

We bridge the gap between knowledge and action

Our communication tools and stories bring scientific knowledge and innovative concepts for sustainable futures to decision-makers and into society. They explain, inspire and thus act as catalysts for processes in which tomorrow is imagined, negotiated and shaped.

Our core competencies

Scientific Accuracy
Scientific Accuracy
Transdisciplinary Creation
Transdisciplinary Creation
Entertaining Results
Entertaining Results
The Climate Media Factory succeeded in making our complex subject easy and entertaining to understand. They use their creativity and especially their mastery in the use of language and visual representation to create a process that makes for the perfect product.
Dennis Mutschler, GIZ GmbH, Head of The Climate Finance Readiness Programm


We make scientific scenarios explorable, provide interactive guidance and narrate concrete utopias for our clients’ audiences. The tools we create range from multimedia applications that investigate decarbonisation pathways across sectors, to playful educational applications on climate change and sustainability, and interactive web platforms on urban adaptation or land use.


In this blog, members of our team write about things that matter to them. Our areas of interest cover climate change and ecology, film and design, as well as wider societal discourses like urban development and anti-discrimination.

Create with us
Create with us!
Let’s develop ideas together on how to make your scientific findings and innovative concepts for sustainable futures impactful.